The changing landscape of precision medicine



Senior Vice President, Precision Medicine and Biosamples, AstraZeneca

30年前, 医生能够根据病人的个体特征开药的想法只是一个理论或, 据一些人说, 一种幻想. Scientists simply didn’t have enough knowledge of the biological causes of disease, let alone how to identify patients who were most likely to respond to certain treatments. Now, with precision medicine research, all that has changed. In 2018, 美国食品和药物管理局批准的42%的药物与诊断测试或疾病亚组有关2

Of course doctors have always sought to personalise treatment for their patients. 希波克拉底(公元前460-370)3 described how physicians in ancient times moved away from a “one size fits all” approach. In modern times, ambitious projects such as the 人类基因组计划 在帮助科学家从基因层面发现人类健康和疾病的基础和驱动因素方面,这是一个巨大的飞跃吗. This technology rapidly expanded to allow us to identify genes responsible for disease, 特别是在癌症方面,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐能够开发单基因测试来识别患者,并对他们进行靶向治疗.

从那时起, the research community has been able to map gene products (such as proteins, enzymes and urinary biomarkers) in addition to the genome, and we are starting to uncover how they are linked to disease. This knowledge is helping guide precision medicine approaches for more complex diseases, 因此,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐可以确保越来越多的患者得到最可能对他们有益的药物. We are also aiming to treat patients at early stages of disease, when there is the best chance to transform disease. 采用这种方法来发现和开发药物是以患者为中心的医疗保健的一个步骤变化, 使有针对性的治疗能够为患者提供更可预测和更好的结果,并更有效地使用药物.

Building a precision medicine approach

澳门在线赌城娱乐, 十多年前,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐首次开始将精准医疗方法应用于澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的药物发现, 识别和测试可能指导候选药物分子开发的特定生物标志物, 从肿瘤学开始. 当时, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐专注于开发后期的候选药物,并回顾性分析临床试验数据,以确定对治疗有反应的患者. We soon started to look across the spectrum of cancers, 确定负责肿瘤生长的基因,并在药物开发过程中开发单基因测试, 因此,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐可以在临床试验开始时识别并招募最有可能从靶向治疗中受益的患者.

不断发展的技术现在使澳门第一赌城在线娱乐能够从单一基因测试转向使用来自遗传和分子生物标志物的丰富科学数据的广泛诊断方法. 除了, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的团队还在开发从药物发现过程开始就考虑临床和患者使用的测试. We have built global partnerships with emerging and established diagnostic companies, so that we can include the latest technology advances into our testing approaches. 这也有利于医生和患者在疾病早期选择最佳治疗途径. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐与监管机构和其他医疗机构密切合作,以确定如何减少全球范围内的准入障碍.

Leading precision medicine into the future

精密医学 is now being applied across 90% of our portfolio, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在将肿瘤学的经验和成功应用于复杂的慢性疾病, like asthma or heart failure, 使用 5R研究框架 (right target, right patient, right tissue, right safety, right commercial potential).

随着澳门第一赌城在线娱乐治疗领域的扩展,新的科学和技术领域也随之出现.  Using artificial intelligence, 或人工智能, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐可以在早期临床试验中测试多达一百万个生物标志物模型,这是人类单独无法做到的. 除了, we are building digital apps, similar to those used during the COVID-19 pandemic, 简化患者在临床试验中参加诊断测试的体验.

To support the development of expertise and leaders in precision medicine, our Precision Medicine Academy launched in November 2021. 这个独特的学院面向早期职业研究人员,并将招收来自不同地理位置和不同背景的研究人员. 在三年的课程中, 会员将有机会与来自工业界和学术界的主要导师一起工作, engage in theoretical learning and gain valuable practical experience from the start, working on drug-diagnostic projects.

Not only are we developing talent in precision medicine, we are also pushing the boundaries of technology. 与领先的学术和生物技术合作伙伴的合作推动了测序技术的进步,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐现在可以在几个小时内用一个小到可以放进口袋的设备对整个基因组进行测序. 从历史上看,这可能需要数年时间才能实现,并且需要多个房间的计算机技术. 这一前所未有的进展与工业界和学术界的倡议相一致,使诊断检测更接近全球患者. Our aim is to make testing more convenient for patients, hence helping those eligible gain access to the best treatments for them.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在精准医疗方面的目标是大幅加快生物标志物测试,以改变患者的治疗结果. As technology improves and our scientific knowledge becomes more refined, we are better placed to advance research and development, as well as transform future monitoring of health and illness. 例如, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐目前正在测试一种基于诊断测试结果的适应性治疗模式. 这种治疗转换概念可以利用循环肿瘤DNA (ctDNA)监测患者对治疗的反应, if levels in the blood are not diminishing, this will indicate the need to change to an alternative therapy. 为了实现这一目标,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在探索一种诊断方法,可以检测到超低水平的ctDNA,并且具有足够的灵敏度和特异性,以便医生可以使用它来定制治疗方案.


A brief history of precision medicine




1. BMJ. Richard Smith: Is precision medicine 一种幻想? (互联网). 英国医学杂志. 2018年[引自2022年12月19日]. Available from:

2. PERSONALIZED MEDICINE AT FDA (互联网). [引自2022年12月19日]. Available from:

3. Personalized Medicine | Learn Science at Scitable (互联网). 自然.com. 2014. Available from: http://www.自然.com/scitable/topicpage/personalized-medicine-hope-or-hype-815/

4. White House Precision Medicine Initiative (互联网). 白宫. 2015. Available from: http://obamawhitehouse.档案.gov / precision-medicine

Veeva ID: Z4-54205
Date of preparation: April 2023